Explore our study abroad opportunities. Visit Paris while earning 6 hours of credit or London while earning 1 additional credit for your Communication Studies major or minor. Each program offers the unique advantage of being able to draw from your surroundings to enhance each class. Location and activities included on excursions are an integral part of course material and the overall study abroad experience.
UGA à Paris:
Known as the City of Light, Paris is one of the world’s great cities, boasting numerous historical, cultural, and artistic sites. You will be able to visit world-renowned locations, including Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower. Students can immerse themselves in Paris’s museums, galleries, and neighborhoods while exploring the Latin Quarter, the Marais, Montmartre, the Bastille, Les Invalides, the Champs Elysées, or the designer shops on the rue Faubourg St. Honoré. There are also many opportunities for independent travel. Paris is well served by train and air service, allowing students to travel across Europe on the three-day weekends and during the four-day break between the blocks.
This program focuses upon the economy, politics, culture, and history of France and Western Europe. Students arrive in Paris on May 15 and depart on June 26. The program is run on the “block” system and students will take one course in each of the two blocks for a total of 6 credit hours. Spending six weeks in Paris, students will not only have the opportunity to gain credit towards their degrees but also soak up aspects of Parisian and French culture. The program also includes overnight trips to the Loire Valley, where students will visit several chateaux, and to Normandy, where you will see some of the beaches used during the D-Day landings of June 6, 1944, together with the world-famous 11th century Bayeux Tapestry commissioned by William the Conqueror and the fortified monastery of Mont St-Michel.
London & Women's Discourse
This course takes place during a summer session in London! Students will examine the rhetoric of English women throughout multiple historic and contemporary sites. London is the site of most major English women’s rights campaigns and thus, an ideal place to access the historic, visual, and the rhetorical artifacts of these campaigns. The course includes an experiential component which will place students in multiple sites where suffragettes paraded, protested Parliament, and were arrested for demanding the vote. In addition to site visits, students will visit multiple women’s history archives, including ones housed in the British Museum, the London School of Economics, and the Museum of London. Students will also meet in a classroom for lectures and to meet experts on the suffrage movement and women’s global efforts for rights today.
The goal of study abroad for Communication Studies majors is to facilitate the study of Communication in various cultural, national, political, social, and historic contexts. This program, London & Women’s Public Discourse (3.0 credit hours). The program sustains the course’s objectives to contextualize women’s rhetorical demands for their rights. Students will meet at least twice in Athens before leaving for the trip. At these meetings, we will discuss academic expectations for the course. They will also receive an orientation for study abroad (regarding safety and health, e.g.). Students will be required to compose four critical reflections during the program.
To learn more and to apply, click on the button below. This program satisfies the experiential learning requirement for graduation.
London & Women's Discourse Study Abroad
Interested students may reach out to Jaclyn Nolan (jhnolan@uga.edu) with questions.