Doctoral Student Instructor Contact Info Office: Caldwell 513 Office Hours: Wednesday 11:20am-1:30pm Jack Wood is a Ph.D. student in Rhetorical Studies specializing in cities, planning, and development. Using post-structuralist theories, Wood focuses on the city as a text and aims at understanding how the concept "development" functions rhetorically to construct a need for capital investment and human displacement. His investigations into "urban rhetoric" add communication to the political economy of space that shapes the built environment. Wood has taught at Texas Tech University and earned a Master’s degree in Communication Studies working under Dr. Catherine L. Langford. Wood served as the editorial assistant for Rhetoric & Public Affairs. In the fields of rhetoric, urban studies, and semiotics, Wood has presented various papers at regional, national, and international conferences. Before transitioning into academia, Wood served in the United States Marine Corps for eight years. Courses Regularly Taught: COMM 1110 COMM 3300E Curriculum Vitae: JACK WOOD_CV_2024.pdf (88.24 KB)